About us
AI vision Collection
A gennaio 2025, l'azienda inaugura una nuova era nell'interazione con l'intelligenza artificiale, esplorando questa tecnologia innovativa che, negli ultimi anni, ha riscosso un notevole successo tra le più prestigiose realtà del settore. Per la prima volta, abbiamo scelto di realizzare uno shooting completamente basato sull'AI, dando vita a un'esperienza visiva all'avanguardia.
Il lancio dei nuovi modelli VADUZ e DILI, entrambi in metallo, avverrà in un'ambientazione futuristica e caratterizzata da paesaggi sabbiosi, ideata per evocare un'estetica avveniristica e sofisticata. Questa scelta stilistica non solo valorizza il design innovativo delle montature, ma rappresenta anche la nostra visione del futuro nel mondo dell'eyewear.
FW 2024-25
Cortina Collection
OS SUNGLASSES presenta la nuova campagna FW 2024-25 nella prestigiosa cornice di Cortina d'Ampezzo, simbolo di lusso ed esclusività. A dicembre, i quattro best seller della collezione vengono immortalati in scenari di straordinaria eleganza: chalet di alta classe, paesaggi alpini spettacolari e i più rinomati après-ski della località. Un connubio perfetto tra moda e lifestyle d’élite, che esalta l’identità del brand in un contesto esclusivo. Attraverso immagini e riprese d’eccezione, OS SUNGLASSES celebra il fascino senza tempo dell’inverno, definendo un nuovo standard di raffinatezza e distinzione.
September 2024
New collection - Wild Elegance
For the first time, our brand is presenting a new campaign that is set in a natural environment and in harmony with animals. The famous influencer Siria Violante had the privilege of participating in this shoot, designed to launch a campaign that combines fashion and luxury in a country and ranch setting. The combination of nature and fashion has created an exciting atmosphere with the presence of horses, cows, and lush vegetation, which has been highly appreciated by our community.
March 2024
Towards the sand
Moving towards more essential communication
SAND, the name of our new photo shooting, immediately evokes the main colour of the new campaign. It is a tribute to simplicity and naturalness. This colour choice marks a decisive change of direction in the company’s communication, abandoning the bright tones of the past to embrace a more essential and refined aesthetic. It is not a revolution, but rather a natural evolution of the brand path. It is a step forward towards more mature and conscious communication, capable of valuing the company's strengths and winning the trust of an increasingly demanding audience.
December 2023
Piccadilly Circus
For the launch of the fall winter 2023-2024 collection, OS SUNGLASSES has chosen London as the spotlight! An extraordinary experience, infused with the effervescent energy of the British capital. The main goal was to capture the blend of metropolitan fashion and timeless elegance of OS SUNGLASSES products. We chose iconic London locations, such as the sophisticated shopping streets near Tower Bridge, the colourful backdrops of Nothing Hill’s cottages and the dynamic atmosphere of Piccadilly Circus to emphasise the luxurious side of sunglasses. Urban and architectural backgrounds have contributed to the creation of a cosmopolitan and contemporary style. We made the images more dynamic by utilizing the changing weather patterns in London. Some photographs were taken in the soft light of the cloudy sky, while others made the most of the bright sunlight, producing a variety of moods and atmospheres. The models in question were the best sellers of the summer season, so it was decided to add a new colour to complete and enhance the style of each frame! In addition to highlighting the beauty of the glasses, we attempted to convey a story through images. Every shot also attempted to convey emotions, whether it was discovering a chic street in London or reflecting in the city's vibrant parks. These pictures not only show sunglasses as fashion accessories, but also portray them as true iconic elements in harmony with London's cosmopolitan atmosphere. OS SUNGLASSES combined timeless London elegance with contemporary style.